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Senate Passes Bipartisan Bills to Impose Severe Consequences on Putin for His Invasion of Ukraine

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Senate passed three bipartisan bills supported by Senator Hassan to sanction oil and gas imports from Russia, speed up military assistance to Ukraine, and suspend normal trade relations with Russia and Belarus.


“Putin is a war criminal, inflicting brutal attacks on Ukraine that have killed innocent civilians – he must be stopped, and he must be held accountable for his actions,” said Senator Hassan. “The U.S. and our allies have come together to impose sweeping sanctions on Putin and support Ukraine, and the bipartisan bills that we now passed take additional steps to weaken the Russian economy and more quickly get military equipment to the Ukrainian people as they bravely defend their country. The United States and our allies will not let up in confronting Putin’s aggression and standing with the Ukrainian people in their fight for freedom.”


The latest Senate votes are part of Senator Hassan’s ongoing efforts to stand up to Putin. Senator Hassan previously pushed the Biden administration to sanction Russian oil and gas, and the bill passed today will cement these sanctions into law. Senators Hassan and Bill Cassidy (R-LA) previously introduced a bipartisan resolution to designate Vladimir Putin as a war criminal for his crimes against the Ukrainian people. And Senator Hassan successfully pushed the Treasury Department to freeze Russia’s gold assets.

