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Senator Hassan Criticizes Biden Administration Decision to Ask Supreme Court to Decline New Hampshire Remote Tax Case

WASHINGTON — U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan issued this statement following the news that President Biden’s acting Solicitor General urged the United States Supreme Court to not hear New Hampshire’s complaint against Massachusetts for unfairly taxing Granite Staters:


“This is the wrong position by the Biden administration. I’ve long said that attempts by other states to unfairly tax New Hampshire residents are unconstitutional. The Supreme Court must hear this case and reverse this bad-faith effort. We need strict and clear limitations set upon states that attempt to wrongly tax Granite Staters and I will continue to push to ensure exactly that.”


Senator Hassan has led efforts in the Senate to push back on out-of state taxes imposed on New Hampshire residents. In February, Senator Hassan called for the COVID-19 relief package to include a bipartisan measure that would limit the authority of states to tax the income of employees who are working remotely in other states. Earlier this year, Senator Hassan questioned Deputy Treasury Secretary nominee Wally Adeyemo on this proposal and cited the need to prevent other states from taxing Granite Staters during his committee nomination hearing. 

