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Senator Hassan Recognizes Kristina Folcik of Tamworth as September’s Granite Stater of the Month

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan recognized Kristina Folcik of Tamworth as September’s Granite Stater of the Month. As an endurance athlete and survivor of domestic violence, Kristina recently completed a 100-mile nonstop hike across part of New Hampshire’s Appalachian Trail in tribute to women in abusive relationships. She became the first person to ever complete that portion of the trail in one continuous trek. 


After working with Starting Point, a New Hampshire non-profit that supports victims of domestic and sexual violence, Kristina was able to successfully leave her abusive husband. She shared the story of her past trauma publicly, inspiring other women to come forward with their experiences as well, and ultimately dedicated her hike to women who have been in abusive relationships. Kristina’s athletic feat also became a fundraiser that raised more than $1,000 for the organization that helped her leave her abusive husband.


To read the statement Senator Hassan submitted to the Congressional Record honoring Kristina Folcik as September’s Granite Stater of the Month, click here.


Senator Hassan launched the “Granite Stater of the Month” initiative in 2017 to recognize outstanding New Hampshire citizens who go above and beyond to help their neighbors and make their communities stronger. To nominate a New Hampshire citizen to be a “Granite Stater of the Month,” constituents can complete the nomination form here.

