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Senator Hassan Votes to Reverse IRS Rule Allowing “Dark Money” Groups to Further Hide Identities of Major Donors

WASHINGTON – Senator Maggie Hassan today voted to reverse an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) rule that allows “dark money” groups to hide the identities of their major donors from law enforcement. The measure was introduced as a Congressional Review Act resolution, which Senator Hassan cosponsored, and passed the Senate by a vote of 50-49. The resolution will now move to the House for a vote.

“The Senate took a small but important step today toward holding corporate special interests accountable, and I urge the House to pass this measure without delay,” Senator Hassan said. “We must stand up to corporate special interests and get dark money out of politics, and I will continue working to root out this problem so that our political system is responsive to hard-working families and small businesses, not corporate special interests.” 

Senator Hassan is fighting to overturn the Citizens United decision, which helped unleash unlimited dark money in politics. Last year, she introduced the DISCLOSE Act, which would require organizations spending money in elections to disclose their donors. The Senator also helped introduced the Fair Elections Now Act, which would reduce the influence of big donors and corporate special interests by creating a voluntary system of public financing for Senate candidates.
